Sunday, October 26, 2008

All About Me....

Okay, so for my very first blog, I will talk about myself. As you can probably already tell, my name is Amanda, I am a highschool student. I come from a very large family. I have six brothers and sisters. Two older brothers, an older sister, two younger brothers, and a younger sister. All of my younger siblings are adopted. The oldest, Kai, 4, is from China. AnnaGrace, the second oldest, 3, is from China aswell. The youngest of the three, AJ, 2, is adopted domestically. My older siblings are Adam, 24, Tito, 26 and Nicole, 19. Our family is Cuban and very, very loud. I love old movies, and t.v. shows. I can honestly watch anything black and white for hours at a time. I love to read, and to write. I'm horrible at telling stories, so for your sake, don't ask me to. I have many fantastic friends, and without them I don't know what I'd do with myself. I am very involved in my local church, and spend a lot of time there. I am very opinianated and love to argue, for this reason I've been told since a very young age that I should be a lawyer. The truth is, I've had my career and lifestyle planned out as long as I can remember. I'd like to be a veterinary specialist, working mainly on rare and endangered species. After college graduation I plan to spend a year in Antartica to study the lives and habitats of Polar Bears. I'm always known to be the one to ask why, and I almost always need to see something to believe it. My opinions have changed since I've gotten older, and I'm sure they will continue to. Until then, I'll keep you posted.


Ohilda said...

You are beautiful inside and out and I am so darn proud to call you my daughter.

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

waiting4Isabella said...

Hi amanda,

you are one unique young lady, i love that about you. I will continue to read your blog. You can read mine too. Actually seth's at

okay have a great week at school, love you. Madrina.

Anonymous said...

I love that name :DDD

I knew these things about you already. So why must you insist I comment this? lol

I heart you.

gaston said...

That trip to Antartica sounds great,may I tag along.Now If I can
just get you to pick up your room..

much love,

Becky said...

Hi Amanda!

I'm a big fan of your mom's blog, so I know I'll enjoy yours! It's a lot of fun, and a great way to get out whatever's on your mind!
Keep on bloggin!

Angie said...

Hi Amanda,

I have enjoyed reading your mom's blog for a while and will enjoy hearing more about you on your blog too. I hear you are pretty special! :o)

Lisa said...

Nice start on the blog, that is great.

The Byrd's Nest said...

You know what? I have always been intrigued by Polar Bears. Aren't they just the coolest animals??? I love to watch PBS and see specials on them.

I have a 21 year old daughter who is very opiniated too. She is loving college where she can express her views!

Candy said...

Hi Amanda! I visit your mom's blog often so since she was bragging about you, I thought I'd stop and say hi! Looks like you have a busy, busy life. God bless and keep blogging!